MC Elite Prioritizes Player Development

By; Aubrey Whittier

By; Aubrey Whittier

Director of Player Development

Aubrey Whittier is the Director of Player Development for MC Elite and the Varsity Head Coach for St John’s College High School.

MC Elite prioritizes player development which most understand to be related to skills related to
winning: draw controls, stick protection, defensive sliding, etc…but what is overlooked by many
club, high school, youth and rec programs, according to this recent US Lacrosse article, player
development teaches the fundamental principles of competition. Understanding the game,
setting goals, being driven, learning to hustle, teamwork-all of these are important to the
development of an athlete. College recruiters, high school coaches and even your future
employers and coworkers alike will cherish most who you are because of what you learned from
a player development model.